Webinar: Bacterial Leaf Spot of Beet and Chard
SEEDBORNE DISEASES OF CUCURBITS AND CHENOPODS CAUSED BY PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE is a collaborative team project led by different researchers, academic, government and industry members. Our primary goal is to develop economically feasible integrated management strategies for Cucurbit, Beet and Chard diseases caused by P. syringae pv. aptata and related pathogens.
Join us for a webinar where we will report on the latest findings from our USDA-NIFA-SCRI funded research on seedborne Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata and related pathogens causing bacterial leaf spot on chenopods. We will discuss advances in knowledge about the diversity of strains causing bacterial leaf spot on chenopods, pathogen detection, disease management, seed treatment, and resistance.
Watch the recorded webinar here: https://psu.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/1_0m6tzzzj
Lab members from the following collaborating labs: Irwin Goldman (Co-PI) Alejandra Huerta (Co-PI) Sarah Pethybridge (Co-PI) Lindsey du Toit (Co-PI) Neha Potnis (PI) Carolee Bull (PD)